Tool: product enhancement
How the tool works
Use the Enhancement tool to auto assign information to existing products. The tool:
- Looks at the product names to understand what the product is
- Looks for tags, courses, categories to get an understanding of the data structure preferences
- It then allow you to auto assign: tags, categories, courses and assign prep stations
Enhance a single product
- Login to the Tebi Back Office
- Go to Products > Product list
- Open a product
- Auto assign categories, tags, prep station or courses
Enhance multiple products
- Login to the Tebi Back Office
- Go to Products > Product list
- Click on the button Select multiple at the bottom of the page
- Select the product you would like to enhance
- Click Enhance products at the bottom of the page
- Auto assign categories and tags to the selected products
- Remove products from the selection by clicking X on the product line
- Click Save
Enhance all products
- Login to the Tebi Back Office
- Go to Products > Product list
- Click on the button Enhance all products
- Auto assign categories, tags, prep station or courses to the selected products
- Remove products from the selection by clicking X on the product line
- Click Save