Add your first product in the Tebi App
Add products to the app via:
- the Tebi Back Office
- the Tebi App, as explained below:
Create the product in the app
We’ll start by adding a basic product by filling in the fields.
*Mandatory field
- In the app, open the Menu (≡) and open Products.
- Tap the green ⊕︀ in the bottom right corner to add a product.
- Image: Upload an image. This will be visible in the Sale Screen, or when you long press on a product tile on the Grid.
- Available: When the status ‘available’ switch is turned on, the product will be available for sale. If the switch is turned off, the product will not be available for sale but will be visible in your product list with the status ‘archived’.
- Modifier only: When the ‘modifier only’ switch is turned on, this product is only available as a modifier on another product. If the switch is turned off, the product will also be available as a stand-alone product. Find out how to add product modifiers.
- Hide product on receipt: Switch on to hide a product on the receipt. The sales price of this product must be set to zero to hide it.
- Name*: Fill in the full name of the product. This will be used in reports and searches.
- Description: Note down extra information about the product that you cannot add in other fields:
- E.g., add allergy details, ingredients of the product, and so on.
- Note: Description information also shows on your QR menu.
- Whatever you enter here will become searchable from the Sale Screen, and visible in the product details in the Sale Screen when you long press a product.
- Tax type*: Select the tax rate for this product. This is the type of tax payable over your product or service. It can be VAT or sales tax, depending on your region.
- Purchase price: Add the amount it costs to buy and/or make the product, excluding tax. Tebi uses this to calculate the margin on a product. If you do not wish to fill this in, leave it €0.
- Sales price: Add the amount you will charge customers for the product, including or excluding tax depending on the tax type selected.
- Prompt price while ordering: When turned on, the pricing field will be prompted in the Sale Screen. Manually add the price each time you select the product. If it is turned off, the sales price will be shown.
- Margin: The gross profit margin is the percentage of the sales revenue (ex. vat) that is turned into profit. The profit margin percentage is calculated by dividing the margin (revenue minus buying price) by the revenue.
- Markup: The markup is the difference between the sales price of a product and its cost. The markup percentage is calculated by dividing the markup (revenue minus buying price) by the buying price of the product.
- Modifier Groups: Assign a modifier group to the product. To add a new modifier group, login to the Tebi Back Office. For more information, see this article.
- Track inventory: When disabled, no inventory will be tracked for this product. When enabled a few options pop up:
- Adjust inventory: You can add and subtract inventory for a product after the product has been added/saved.
- Continue selling when out of stock: When this is turned off, the product will become unavailable when the inventory is 0. When this is turned on, the product can still be sold from the Sale Screen after the inventory is 0.
- Show inventory level in sales screen: When this is turned off, you cannot see the inventory number in the Sale Screen. If this is turned on, you can see how much inventory is left of this product.
- Tags: Add tags to organize the products into groups for display on the Sale Screen:
- Products can be linked to multiple tags.
- E.g., gather all coffee products under various group tags by giving cappuccino, espresso and latte the tag ‘coffee’ and ‘hot drinks’.
- Tags are used for searching and discovering products.
- Properties: Give your product properties (e.g., size or color) for more information. This will be visible when you long press a product tile in the Sale Screen. Properties are used for searching and discovering products.
- Category for reporting: Add categories to organize the products for reporting purposes.
- Products can be linked to only one category.
- E.g., gather all wine (red, white, and sparkling) under one category ‘wine’ to gain insights on amounts sold.
- SKU: Fill in the stock keeping unit (SKU), a unique identifier for your product:
- SKUs are metadata and will not appear in the Tebi App.
- If you don’t use SKUs, leave this field blank.
- GTIN: Fill in the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), a universal ID for your product, found on the barcode of a product. To maintain consistency of your products and reports it is vital that GTINs are unique numbers and are only used for a single product:
- GTIN is also known as EAN, UPC, ISBN and JAN.
- If this field is left blank, a GTIN will be automatically generated by Tebi.
- Note: Once the GTIN is created and the product has been saved, it cannot be changed.
- Display name: A shorter name for the product.
- This name will appear on the product button on the Sale Screen.
- If left blank, the full name created at the beginning will appear by default.
- Color: Select a color for:
- the product tile in the Sale Screen;
- the digitial Prep station (enable the toggle in the step below).
- Prep Station: Select the Prep Station where this product needs to be produced. When the product is ordered, a ticket will be sent to that station. Find out how to add a Prep Station.
- Default course: Assign a product to a default course. Find out how to create Coursing.
- Preparation priority: Configure the order in which products will be shown in a prep ticket. Higher priority products will appear higher in the ticket.
- Use customization color in digital prep station: enable the toggle to highlight products and/or modifiers when they appear in the prep station with the chosen colour
- Tap Add product at the top right and your product will be completed.
Add the product to the Sale Screen
- In the app, go to Menu (≡), then to Sales, and enter the Sale Screen.
- Long press the View name tab to enter editing mode.
- Tap a tile with ⊕︀ and select Add a product, then select the product you want to add.
- Optional: Select a color and add a display name (if you haven’t already selected these during the creation of the product), then press Done.
- To reposition, long press the tile and drag then drop the product to a new position.
- Tap Done editing at the top right to finish adding products to the Sales Screen.
Now that you’ve added your first product, let’s run through how to set up Sales Views.